Tag Archives: Purple Goldfish

Memorable customer service experience at hospital

My aunt recently required outpatient surgery at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge when my aunt and I arrived we were greeted by a receptionist with a smile, met with the insurance coordinator who thoroughly explained the insurance coverage spoke with the nurse that took extra time to make sure my aunt was comfortable and finally the doctor whom she has grown to trust over the years.

After the surgery, when I arrived to pick up my aunt a volunteer from the hospital was waiting in front with my aunt and graciously helped her into my car.  We stopped by a local restaurant for lunch and my aunt showed me her discharge paperwork along with a card that read “I hope your visit today was excellent.”  I thought to myself that’s nice gesture,  but a big surprise awaited us when my aunt opened the card and found it was hand signed by people she was in contact with that day.

What a great example of how the health-care system is utilizing unique ways of reaching out to their patients by showing compassion and delivering a memorable experience.

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Netflix delivers up and beyond expectations

Over the weekend when I opened my mailbox I found a plastic bag with part of a Netflix envelope and no DVD. A note from the Postmaster read ” We sincerely regret damage to your mail during handling by the Post Service. We hope this incident did not inconvenience you. We realize that your mail is important to you and you have every right to expect it to be delivered in good condition. We are constantly striving to improve our processing methods in order that even a rare occurrence may be eliminated. Please accept our apologies.”

I decided to access the Netflix website to have a new movie delivered, but did not find a way to report a problem specifically about damaged packages. The Netflix website has a call monitoring tool that tells customers the current hold time for a representative to answer a call. In my case, it was 3 minutes. When I called Netflix I was on hold less than 3 minutes when my call was answered. I explained my dilemma to the customer service representative and I asked if I could get the next movie in my queue sent out rather than the original movie that was sent. I’m currently on a plan that only allows one DVD to be rented at a time. To my surprise, the customer service representative said, “I would be glad to send you both.”

Talk about getting a little something extra. Not only was my call answered in less the time specified, but I was sent two DVDs: the original and the next one in my queue despite being on a plan that allows one rental at a time.

Netflix did a great job by empowering their employee to go up and beyond my expectations and all this because the post office mishandled the package. The entire customer experience was pure excellence!

Comments? Anyone have a similar experience? Please share.

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